Honey, I shrunk the CHP – ENER-G downsizes its 50kW system
ENER-G has shrunk its 50kW combined heat and power (CHP) unit by 30% – making it the smallest and lightest unit in its fleet.
The new E50 gas fired CHP packs the same power, 90% efficiency and reliability of its predecessor, while matching previous ease of service and maintenance, and quietness of operation.
E50 is designed to meet the demands of sustainable cities, where space is at a premium and noise control is an issue. This is fuelling a growth market for smaller footprint, acoustically insulated packaged CHP systems that can meet BREEAM targets, achieve compliance with sustainable building codes and gain acceptance with planning authorities.
Typical applications for the E50 are small hotels, mixed use developments and small district heating schemes.
“In creating the new compact unit, we were mindful of retaining sufficient space for ease of maintenance, which is a feature of all our CHP systems”, said Chris Marsland, Technical Director for ENER-G Combined Power Ltd. “Our service team were fully involved in the new product development process and we were able to design in, simulate and test our service and maintenance requirements. In this way we ensured that space was fully optimised and that this important feature wasn’t compromised.
“When you consider that an average CHP system could be serviced five or six times a year, it is critical to consider ease and economy of aftercare, which on a system of this size could add up to the original capital cost over the 15 year plus lifetime of the asset.”
The new technology was developed at ENER-G’s global R&D and manufacturing centre in Salford, Greater Manchester. As such, its technical, engineering and production teams were able to work alongside its new product development experts and servicing division to design, develop, test, validate and introduce to market the new E50 system.
Chris Marsland added: ” We are very proud to be a UK manufacturer which has been a great advantage in giving us the specialist in-house design, engineering and production expertise to keep innovating.”
ENER-G has reduced the environmental impact of manufacture through using fewer raw materials in production of the E50, while also saving energy and cost in the production process. Due to its smaller size and lower weight, the E50 is easier and less costly to transport, which has major advantages as a product for the export market.
The latest innovation follows the launch of ENER-G’s Universal CHP range, which is the smallest, lightest and quietest external fully packaged combined heat and power (CHP) product range available globally. The product is used widely across Tesco stores and in the wider retail and leisure sectors.
The new E50 system is available under ENER-G;s Discount Energy Purchase scheme, where there is no purchase, installation or operational cost to the customer. Payment is recovered through the purchase of the generated heat and electricity at a guaranteed rate.
ENER-G pioneered modern combined heat and power production in 1984 by developing remote monitoring and control systems that made low carbon CHP technology viable on a global industrial and commercial scale. Since then, continuous innovation has ensured that ENER-G remains a European market leader and at the forefront of innovation in this sector.
ENER-G offers the broadest combined heat and power product range (4kW to 10MW) in the UK market, backed by a national service and maintenance team. The company has accumulated more than 30 million hours of operating experience across 1,400 installed cogeneration systems – powered by natural gas, biogas, diesel, propane or biodiesel.