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Quick Guide to Updated CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme


Major changes to the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme are explained in a free Quick Guide’ published by energy management advisers CMR Consultants ,part of ENER-G Group.

The ‘Quick Guide to the Updated CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme’ is intended to help organisations take prompt action to achieve compliance and to reduce the cost and impact of the energy legislation.

CRC affects all public and private sector organisations consuming more than 6,000 MWh/year through their half-hourly meters. This equates to approximately £500,000 plus energy spend per year. Between them, these organisations are said to be responsible for 10% of all UK carbon emissions.

Recent changes to the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme include the abolition of the CRC Performance League Table and revised emissions reporting requirements. Going forward, further changes are predicted, particularly with the introduction of Phase 2.

Other simplifications include reducing the number of fuels participants must report on from 29 to 2 (electricity and gas, the latter for for heating) and removing the 90% rule, which required organisations to account for at least 90% of their carbon footprint.

“The government has simplified the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, but the legislation can still impose a significant cost and resource burden on organisations”, said Dr Cedric Rodrigues, Managing Director of CMR Consultants. “There are two key areas that organisations must consider urgently, which are qualifying and registering for Phase 2 and developing a carbon reduction strategy ahead of Phase 2.”

Charging for carbon allowances under the CRC began in 2012 and the tax will remain at £12/tCO2 until Phase 2 begins in April 2014. Participants are required to submit an annual report of emissions by the end of July each year.
