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Planning reform consultation welcomed by Landmark Information Group


Landmark Information Group, the leading provider of information to the property market, has welcomed the launch of the ‘Planning for the Future’ consultation, as announced by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to radically transform England’s existing planning system.

The major consultation, which is open until 29th October, is focused on reforming the existing planning system to streamline the process, ‘cut red tape’ and harness technology to deliver homes faster, while protecting valuable green spaces.

Responding to the launch of the consultation, Alex Wrottesley, Managing Director (Environment & Mapping), Landmark Information, said: “The consultation is long overdue and we wholeheartedly welcome its launch. Our national planning systems are outdated and reliant on paper documents. Decisions can often appear arbitrary or inconsistent. It is time for an overhaul.

“The power of technology and data to deliver better services to citizens and businesses has become even more evident in recent months. The restrictions necessary during the pandemic have accelerated many tasks moving from face to face to digital. It is clear that a more digitised approach to planning would speed-up the overall process, while providing greater transparency, consistency and faster decision making.  It will remove a major roadblock that many of our customers face when progressing new projects, and ultimately free-up more of their time to instead focus on the business of building, rather than on navigating complex and outdated rules.”

Landmark Information Group is hosting a roundtable with industry partners in early October that will address what the Planning for the Future consultation means for the industry, and will consider the pros and cons.  More information on how to join the open roundtable will be published in September.

For more details regarding Landmark Information Group, visit www.landmark.co.uk.