Automist featured in brand new TV programme
Innovative products gain the recognition they deserve in a variety of ways. Perhaps one of the more effective in a world of mass communication is being featured on television as an example of cutting edge technology. Automist is a case in point. This active fire protection system which provides automatic residential fire protection is set to play a role in a five-part Channel 4 series. Home of the Future looks at the effects of visionary technology and gadgets on the lives of a Sheffield family living in the future. Automist operates by the generation of a fine water mist to suppress flames and limit the smoke and heat of incipient fires and is considered a fine example of a product of the future.
The premise behind the brand new Channel 4 series, which started on February 12th revolves around a family living in a home filled with futuristic technology and gadgets and how they learn to live with the challenges of the future. They will discover how we might possibly work, rest, play, eat, travel, stay healthy and power our homes in the years ahead. Besides experiencing the peace of mind of knowing that any accidental fire would be suppressed automatically, the Perera family discover mind-controlled games, domestic power stations that slash their bills, robots they can control from the other side of the world, waterless washing machines, cars, lawnmowers and vacuums that drive themselves.
The first episode of Home of the Future aired on February 12th, 7.00pm on Channel 4.
For further information on the Plumis Automist range of water-mist suppression solutions call Plumis on 020 8133 8775, visit or email